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Posts Tagged ‘life affirming’

Genius in you!

Posted by Walt Lubinec on April 11, 2012

Everyday has the possibility of growing, learning, and becoming just a bit better than we were.  Everyday we log more experiences, sensations, and results from our efforts.  Some experiences have direct learning consequences – read a book about planting tulip bulbs you immediately may have learned a new approach or gained confidence in an existing habit.   However attending a lecture on social media may still leave you wondering where in the hell you should start!
Numerous studies have been done on the various ways the human mind can process information, neuro-linguistic programming, cognitive approach to learning styles, and even meshing hypothesis.  All of these studies have shown are that there are many different ways for an individual to absorb information so that they can apply it in their own lives and provide insights to others.
More specific studies have found that when a teacher used lectures to convey material the students were tested and as expected a normal bell curve distribution resulted.  When the same class was subjected to a different teaching style, using more experiential means again a normal bell curve was in the test results, but which students scored very high, median, and low on that curve dramatically changed.  The same change of students occurred when using purely auditory teaching styles.
What can conclude from studies like this is that depending upon who we are, and sometimes even what we are learning, the style by which we absorb the information best can be different.
So if you are committed as I am to learn and better yourself each day you must try multiple methods for learning materials which are core to your growth.  Books, auditory lectures, YouTube videos, experiments in the kitchen, active conversations with interested colleagues and many more methods can help you internalize information so that you can contribute more to the community you live.  Too often we try just one or two ways to learn something and if we are not successful we give up.  What can be said is that each individual can improve learning by attempting just a different learning style.  Each of us has many responsibilities but we also have many opportunities to display and utilize our knowledge to positively impact our own life and the lives of people we love.

If you don’t try, if you give up on something that can really change your and others lives, you are depriving us all of the impact your contribution.
What we need now more than ever is the real power of your genius!

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Extraordinary Senses

Posted by Walt Lubinec on November 2, 2009

From a post from another blog last spring:
I got a wake up call today! – Going for a walk today in the sleepy suburb where I live I started to really pay attention to everything around me.  Not merely pay attention I mean REALLY notice every crack in the sidewalk, freshly cut grass, which birds were chirping, and which were answering.  Walking along a nearby river I saw a family of geese with 6 goslings and an amazing feeling came over me, a feeling of joy that I had not experienced in quite a while.
When is the last time you experienced that, being totally in the moment?  Throughout the rest of the walk I noticed some many more things around me and it reminded me about how many people are really going through tough times that we all forget to really notice the amazing things all around us.  I am not preaching any spiritual message here; I appreciate and respect all religions and philosophies.  I am referring to what we all have within our own grasp; the five wonderful senses almost all of us posses and take for granted most days of our lives.  People who are missing one or more senses often don’t need as much as a reminder to experience with what they have left.
I have a habit that helps keeps me focused and positive.  Asking myself three questions everyday, today I just added five more questions.  I bet you already know them, but here they are anyway:
1.  What was my favorite sight today?
2.  What was my favorite sound today?
3.  What was my favorite touch today?
4.  What was my favorite taste today?
5.  What was my favorite smell today?
6.  What did I learn today?
7.  What am I thankful for today?
8.  What made me happy today?
So here is my challenge to you, before you go to sleep tonight ask yourself all eight questions, too tired ask yourself 1 of them – then go to sleep with a smile on your face!  I promise you will wake up with one, or perhaps your partner will!
Here in this venue if you feel comfortable please share the answers to any of the Senses questions.
STRONG SUGGESTION:  No negative comments about anyone else’s favorites!
Gentle Suggestion:  I know everyone loves songs, movies, TV Shows but please share something that you experienced, companion’s perfume, child’s laugh, sunset over the Kansas plain, a new cooking experience.

Feel free to be brief of as long winded as you like, I appreciate anyone and everyone who shares comments or messages

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